Subluxation dysregulation is a state of that drives ‘mis-perception’ of your body and environment by your brain.
Your cells and brain communicate via two main types of message – healthy ‘body awareness’ (good) signals or less healthy ‘stress’ (bad) signals.
The body awareness signals are better thought of as being like a ‘nutrient’ your brain needs to understand, perceive and interact with your environment – these messages are like the ‘charge’ or energy to fill up the brain’s batteries!
It’s pretty obvious that these are vital, in fact essential for your brain to do its job and for you to experience the best life possible – they are a REQUIREMENT for life!
The ‘stress’ signals suggest that your body is (or may be) experiencing something harmful and needs to either shut down, conserve energy, react or hide/protect.
Subluxation dysregulation can increases the ratio of “bad” to “good” messages returning from the joints of the spine – significantly.
By defining ‘negative’ or bad stress as either a deficiency state (not enough of something needed) or toxicity state (too much of something the body does not need), or both, we can see that a subluxation provides BOTH a toxicity load AND a deficiency load to the nervous system.
TOO MUCH of the ‘negative’ nerve signals, and
NOT ENOUGH of the required, healthy movement nerve messages that are ‘nutrients’ the brain needs to function at its best.
Subluxations are stressors as they cause the ‘bad’ signals to increase and the ‘good’ signals to drop off (and the good signals are particularly important for the brain to understand and interpret what is going on in your body and world!)
Neither of these are great for brain function, and both of which can lead on to adaptation, dysfunction and disease.
The unconscious “fear/protection reaction” of the brain as a result of toxicity or deficiency changes how your cells are working, usually making them less efficient at doing what they do to keep you alive. Cells first respond to stress with alarm, then try to adapt; if we don’t improve their state quickly enough, they hit a point of exhaustion, and this leads to an increased likelihood of sickness and disease.
Getting checked for the presence of subluxations is essential for reducing one important stress-component in your life and letting you live a longer, healthier life.