Let me help you live a More Conscious Life, develop awareness about the causes of dysfunction and dis-ease, and improve upon wherever you are NOW!

My Commitments to YOU...

When you choose to become part of my tribe, I ask you to make some commitments to you, and to me.

Look to the RIGHT to see the commitments I make in return, to you!

Above all, I’m NOT going waste your precious time or money. If you are not suited to my care, or I don’t feel that I can help you – I WILL help you find the health professional that is right for you!


I Promise...

I will Honour Your Goals.

I'm here to help, whether you want short-term relief or comprehensive wellness care.

I will Respect Your Time making your visits fast, efficient and effective.

I will Protect Your Privacy , keeping your personal information confidential.

I will Answer Your Questions and explain our examination findings & recommendations.

I will Offer Choices and refer to other health professionals or specialists as needed.

I will Encourage Participation and show you ways to get better results, faster!

I will offer Clinical Excellence with the latest safe and natural healthcare strategies and interventions.

I will Offer Hope because with a revived nervous system, amazing things are possible!

Book chiropractic consultations with Dr Ben via the Contact Us page on this site:

Chiropractic Care

Wellness Coaching

Dr Ben standing in Beach room - wider shot

Dr. Ben Phillips