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Probiotics and Human Health
Probiotics (the ‘good’ gut bacteria) are essential for full health. Prebiotics (if you’re confused by the term) are the nutritious …
Body Composition & Movement
It is obvious that if you exercise more, you have a leaner, trimmer body, with less fat storage and better …
Is Healthcare Only Necessary when You Have Symptoms?
Why is it invalid to judge the merit of healthcare purely on symptoms alone? I argue that symptoms are a …
There are ONLY 2 Forms of Stress – Toxicity or Deficiency
While there are many different potentially stressful stimuli occuring in the external environment outside of us, or in our internal …
Chiropractic Adjustments, Exercise, Positive Body Thoughts, Somatoneurophysiology™ and Health
A consistent argument discussed on this site is that chiropractic adjustments (when required) are an essential component of living a …
How Negative and Positive Thoughts (Internal Dialogue) Influence Physiology
We know that how we feel impacts our mental state. What is now clearly proven and has been repeatedly shown …
Another ‘take’ on Subluxation Dysregulation
Subluxation dysregulation is a state of that drives ‘mis-perception’ of your body and environment by your brain. Your cells and …
Why is it important to commit to ongoing care, even when symptoms have resolved?
Remember that the best way to define “health,” is not by using symptoms as a marker – in fact this …
How Much are Genetics Responsible for Our Health and Wellbeing?
A primary concept we want to myth-bust through Health & Wellness coaching is the impact of genetics on both our health, …
Toxic Food Additives & Food Choices to Avoid
Working toward reducing toxicity in our lives definitely means (in part) cleaning up our nutrition – the food, additives and …
What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?
The chiropractic adjustment is the skilled delivery by a Chiropractor of a specific (gentle) force in a precise direction, to …
What are “Body Thoughts”?
The term ‘body thoughts’ has been coined to simplify somewhat complex neurological terminology and make these topics easier to understand. …
The Life Expectancy Myth
It is a common belief in our society that as our average life expectancy has gone up across our wider …
What Are The 5 ‘Pillars’ of Chronic Illness?
Chronic Illness is DEADLY SERIOUS… In industrialised (western) countries like Australia, the burden of ill-health, particularly chronic illness, has been …
What Causes 75% of All Death in Western Nations?
The so-called ‘western’ or industrialised nations of the world have long struggled with high levels of preventable illness. According to …
5 Critical Concepts Arising from the Wellness & Prevention Paradigm
These 5 ideas emerge from our Wellness and Prevention Paradigm. They each explore different aspects of the age-old idea of …
Dr Ben’s Definition of ‘Health’
One of the most critical terms to contemplate and define is the word ‘Health’. The Wellness & Prevention paradigm proposes …
Modern Industrial Living creates Functional Postural Deformity and Negative Physiological Consequences
The impact of modern living choices on our posture is stark and significant. Poor posture is both initiated or maintained …
Insulin Resistance – a Huge Problem!
Insulin resistance is a major ‘pillar’ of chronic ill-health. Read more about these ‘pillars’ here – it’s truly important information …